Cedar and the Mouse

Published on 28 May 2010 by in blog


Cedar in Rough and ReadyThe fenced-in garden we had in California was a draw for rodents of all kinds. Besides the gophers who ate my bean plants (but I couldn’t bear to poison) a family of mice lived within its confines. Cedar was in the garden picking me some squash one evening, trailed by her beloved cat Molly, when she heard a frantic squeaking.

While Cedar had been searching for zucchini, Molly the Cat had focused her intention on a terrified mouse. Cedar bent down and put her hand next to the shivering ball of fur, and it leapt into her palm without hesitation. “Molly!” she scolded her cat while transporting the rodent to safety in the cucumber patch.

All animals loved and trusted Cedar. Although she had never ridden a horse, she made fast friends with our neighbor’s mare, offering her pats when she sidled up to the fence on our morning walks. And the little Shetland stallion that lived a couple properties over loved it when Cedar ran next to him while he playfully followed on the other side of the fence.

As a matter of fact, we became total vegetarians for years, mostly because Cedar was so upset by the appearance of chicken at the dinner table.  – Merry