Writing Your Story

Published on 16 June 2010 by in blog, merry rosenfield


I wish one of my ancestors had written his or her story. Can you imagine reading the first-hand account of how your great great great grandmother ground her own wheat and baked bread in a dutch oven in the fireplace? Or how Uncle Festos shot and skinned a moose with the help of his native American Indian friend?

If those long-gone relatives were able to read and write, they probably thought their lives were nothing special. Certainly not interesting enough to commit to pen and paper.

My own grandmother Eva journeyed to Arizona in a covered wagon, and her father fixed the broken wheel with the help of (so the story goes) Geronimo himself! At least she told us her story, but if it had been written in her own hand, how dear it would have been for all  her progeny.

Do you think your life is boring?

There is a lesson to be learned. Write your story,  and in the years and centuries ahead your family will  hear about our times from one of their own.

When I finished An Uncommon Life, I was aware that in the years ahead my grandchildren and their children would be able to share a life from the 20th and early 21st century. And this is apart from the story of their ancestor Cedar, their talented great great great Aunt whose life ended too soon.

Set aside a few minutes a day, and start typing! Sharing your story will be a gift for generations to come. – Merry