Psychiatry and the pharmaceuticals they recommend to treat ADHD, ADD, depression and other mental health issues should be of concern to the parents of gifted children. It has been said (and from my own experience, I agree most heartily) that a gifted youngster often has trouble sitting still in a class room. He or she may be a bit dreamy and uninterested in memorizing the multiplication tables. She might doodle rather than be willing to listen to a lecture that has nothing to do with her own purposes and goals. To a teacher who has been won over to the dark side (psychiatry) these are symptoms of mental illness!
Having raised two gifted children, and having been so labeled myself as a girl, I want to warn parents from a position of some familiarity with the above behavior. I am speaking as a mother and a grandmother. Please do not take the advice of teachers who recommend your child be seen by a psychiatrist for evaluation and possible drugging. Please make sure your gifted child is protected from damage from psychiatric drugging. Home school them if you must, or at least find a school for them that understands young artists and is willing to work with their unique abilities and ways of learning.
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