This Incredible 4 year old artist is already demonstrating the competence of an adult. Someone posted this video on FB, and I wanted to pass it on.
I find child prodigies fascinating. There’s a lot of theories on how a prodigy is “created”, but when you think of people as being spiritual beings rather than “bodies” it isn’t hard to figure out.
My granddaughter Ada has been a hard-working artist since early toddler-hood. (She’s now almost 7) No one had to tell her to draw for hours to hone her skills. It’s just a part of her!
Another thing I feel strongly about is the importance of reading to young children. Some of my happiest childhood memories are having stories read to me. What a great way to explore other lives, countries and universes. Another greatĀ way to open up one’s imagination.
I think all of us have an innate artistry, and if it can be encouraged and fostered from childhood, all the better. To me, creating has it all over learning your abcs and multiplication tables. (Not that kids shouldn’t do that too!) Since Ada is home-schooled, she has been learning at her own pace her entire life. She reads quite well, and has a vocabulary exceeding that of most adults!
And imagination? I have learned moreĀ about “the fairy world” in the past few years than I had accumulated my entire lifetime.
Good thing I have Ada to learn from! (Yes, learning is definitely a two-way street.)
Practice listening to your children and grandchildren…they may teach you a few surprising things.
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