After I finished writing my book, I had to locate a competent design and layout artist.

Author, Merry and Cover Designer, Eli

Eli and Merry

I wanted to work with someone local, so I could actually meet him or her in person. The search was a little daunting since I am very picky concerning anything  to do with aesthetics.

Enter Eli Blyden of Crunchtime Graphics. He was recommended by our printer, who said “He is a great artist.” My reaction to that was, I will be the judge of that. Coming from a family of professional artists, I can be a little snooty about that sort of thing.

So Eli drove to our home to meet us one evening. He showed me some  beautiful work he had done for other clients, and we talked. For hours. Then we showed him some of Cedar’s artwork and told him a bit about our daughter. I could tell he really got it.

Eli proceeded to design a cover that both my husband and I fell in love with. He even let me help a little. (Several weeks later, he brought his computer over and we worked together on some of the font and layout ideas.)  It was Eli’s idea to feature Cedar’s artwork in my book. Brilliant! It was the finishing touch.

Eli is a talented young man, and I am already looking forward to my next project with him! Plus, he actually likes my weird vegetarian cooking!